Josh Counsil, one third of the brains behind Good Robot Brewing Company, took on our "7 Questions" this week. Scroll down for his thoughts on running a business with your best friends and carving out time for yourself outside of work.
1. How did you get started in business?
Engineering. Angus, Doug and I met in our first year of college. Engineering is sorta like business with more math and less social etiquette. We liked the challenges but not the workplace environment, so we'd convene at music festivals or amusement parks to blow off steam. I think that's where it all started.
2. What is your morning routine?
It takes me about three to five hours to wake up. My head is usually a mess–even "Hello" is difficult–so I walk, go to the gym, write/record my feelings/thoughts, and then head to work when my brain is right.
3. Where is your favourite day trip outside the city?
Anywhere. I love getting out. Everything in this province is adorable. I get excited going to Dartmouth.
4. What's a goal you're working towards right now?
To make myself able to enjoy my life outside work. I'm constantly stressed and it affects my enjoyment of everything.
5. Which famous person, dead or alive, would you most like to have dinner with and why?
Richard Nixon. No matter how I answer, I'm going to sound horrible. The "why" is for me to know.
6. When was the last time you failed spectacularly at something?
I think our company has been in the news enough to answer that one.
7. Which good cause is closest to your heart?
Reducing homelessness and domestic poverty.
It's no wonder Good Robot has been named over and over again as a favourite Halifax destination by contributors to this blog. Josh and his co-founders, Angus and Doug, have managed to distinguish themselves among the local entrepreneurial set by holding true to their vision while constantly innovating and giving back to the community. Follow them on social media, @goodrobotbrew, for your daily chuckle and to stay up to date on their events!